On 24-08-2013(Saturday) JNTUK JAC is planning "Samaikhyandhra" rally with our Affiliated colleges listed as below....
9. KITS - Divili
The following are the instructions to praticipating colleges in the rally:
2. The staff, student co-ordinators and physical directors shall assemble at registration desk at guest house.
3. The buses of affiliated colleges shall be parked near SBI inside university.
4. The physical director , faculty and student co-ordinators of respective colleges shall manage their own students.
5. The students and staff shall wear their identity cards.
6. Each College shall carry two banners on "Samaikhyandhra".
7. Each college shall bring its own Mega phone or portable public address system.
8. The printout of slogans shall be given to each college and should be shouted in cyclic order.
9. Water/ buttermilk and biscuits shall be supplied to students.
10. The group of students for slogan shouting shall be identified.
11. The group of students for carrying banners shall be identified.
So We request all the affiliated college students to co operate and make this event a big success...
We should show our losses in a technological way and stress on main points which we the students are going to face if the state is separated..
Route Map of the Rally:
Jaiiiii Samaikhyandra!!!!!!!!
Jaiiiiiiiiiii Jaiiiiiiiiiii Samaikhyandhra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
What is the future of Andhra Bank and Bank of Hyderabad?
On 30th july 2013 our Central Government has taken a decision, to separate telangana from Andhra Pradesh, and want to make Hyderabad as Telangana’s capital. This decision is not welcomed by Andhra and Rayalaseema people and started agitating for Hyderabad. Inspite of severe agitation, the central government is not inclined to changes their decision. Now the agitators (JAC and other political parties] wants totake some important steps to put pressure on central government.
They are of the view that the telanganas people are very happy with the central government decision. Most of the industries and business establishments are concentrated in Hyderabad. Hyderabad is very rich and well developed. Now Andhra people are not interested in the futher growth of Hyderabad, as the Hyderabad is not a part of Andhra. They realize that the support given by the consumers spread all over Andhra and Rayalaseema Region is the main reason for the growth of industries and business establishment in Telangana and Hyderabad.
Now they want to withdraw their support. IN future there will not any customer from Andhra and Rayalaseema for Hyderabad Establishments.
As a first step they want to motivate the customer of “Andhra Bank” and “State Bank of Hyderabad” to withdraw their fixed and SB deposits (deposits only) and place them in other Banks. It is to be done within a week. After one week the branches in Andhra and Rayalaseema will not be allowed to function.
This step is being planned and they are going to implement it shortly. After this they want to apply it to all other industries and business establishments functioning in Telangana and Hyderabad
Whey they have selected these two Banks: These two banks have their central/ administrative offices in Hyderabad
Thank you.
M.Vijaya Saradhi
91 7780 7700
Email :saradhi53@gmail.com